Please Support Our Work
We rely heavily on public donations to fund our work on sites that are being destroyed by the sea. You can help by making a donation. You may rest assured that all the funds we raise go directly to support excavation and research on Orkney's threatened archaeology: the Trust does not have any paid employees and our Trustees do receive any remuneration for performing their duties.
You can securely donate online by clicking here or by using the red donation buttons from any page of this website. You may donate using your credit/debit card/PayPal account, or by setting up a direct debit. If you are a UK taxpayer you may also add Gift Aid during the donation process.
US taxpayers who wish to make a US tax-deductible donation of $500 or more please click here for more information
Other ways to Donate
BANK TRANSFER: We can accept transfers from both UK and overseas banks. Please email us at info@swandro.co.uk and we will send you our bank details for your electronic transfer.
BY CHEQUE/BANKERS DRAFT: made payable to 'Swandro - Orkney Coastal Archaeology Trust' and posted to us at Bayview, Birsay, Orkney, KW17 2LR, UK (Please note that we can only accept cheques or drafts drawn in UK pounds, we cannot accept foreign currency cheques). UK taxpayers: please download our Gift Aid form and send it along with your donation.
LEAVE US A LEGACY: you may like to consider remembering us by a gift in your will, which can also reduce your liability for inheritance tax. If so you will need to ask your solicitor to include our name, registered address and charity number, which are:
Swandro-Orkney Coastal Archaeology Trust, Bayview, Birsay, Orkney, KW17 2LR
Registered Scottish Charity No: SC047002
We really need your support - any amount large or small is very welcome. Please help - this site will be destroyed completely in the not-too-distant future. For more information about why we need public support and how we spend the money you donate please click here