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Trying not to think about backfilling

Another sweltering sunny day, site has a bit of an end of term feel about it as we get nearer to the inevitable hard slog of backfilling to protect against the winter storms. Lots of recording going on, with Alan as usual working his magic section drawing in between illustrating lots of our finds:

Lindsey and Rebecca were kept busy taking more samples for archaeomagnetic dating from one of the large hearths in Structure 5. This one came up after our archaeomag specialist Dr Cathy Batt from the University of Bradford had left to sample elsewhere, but she had given us detailed instructions on what to do and was also available for phone consultation, so hopefully she'll be happy with the results:

Down on the shore trench D is pretty much finished, thanks to the hard work of Klaudia, Alice and Poppy, resting after their labours reclining on their spoil heap, which wasn't terribly comfortable since it's not actually spoil but is instead, like everything else on site, big chunks of rock. I knew it was a mistake to try & get them to pose for a team photo:

At the end of the day Klaudia was in need of some fuzz therapy which Daisy was happy to provide, that dog honestly has no dignity, I believe there were doggy kisses too, which considering what she'd been spotted eating on the beach shortly beforehand might not necessarily have been a very good idea:

Although I suppose coming down with a nasty bug caught from something dead and minging by way of a dog lick would at least get you out of the backfilling.


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