Fame at last! The Time Team special filmed at Swandro during the summer has gone live and is freely available on YouTube.

Just the thing for cheering everyone up, featuring interviews with Steve & Julie by our old friend John Gater, some nice close ups of some of the finds, and drone footage from our very own Lindsey Kemp. The weather mostly cooperated when they were here but there is some good footage of a typical Orkney squall heading towards us.

Jackie McKinley was still digging with us when they visited, so we had two Time Team regulars on site at the same time, all filmed by producer Emily using remarkably little kit:

They did come right at the end of the season, so there were lots of sandbags visible including our bright yellow 2024 additions, plus the tide was in, which I think helped with the sense of urgency regarding the threat from coastal erosion.

Hope you all enjoy watching the video as much as we did, it brings back happy memories and we're all now really looking forward to next summer. All that remains is for Team Swandro to wish you a:
