Keith takes star find today for his stone spindle whorl, the thumbs up is because I told him to look enthusiastic about it:

Rose then got smallest star find of the day for this tiny piece of spheroidal slag, which is produced by fire welding and is evidence of sophisticated and very skilled iron working. In case you're wondering how Rose spotted something so tiny she was using a magnet to check the furnace for slag and hammer scale.

We have had spheroidal slag from Swandro before in quite large quantities so this find wasn't altogether surprising.
Meanwhile down on the beach some of the team were making good use of spare time i.e. when required to get out of the way whilst their areas are being photographed and recorded, by filling sandbags using our new sandbag filling stand, lovingly handcrafted in a shed in Birsay over the weekend:

It worked a treat and the first hundred were filled in under 2 hours, only another 500 to go!