A quiet day on site today after all the excitement of yesterday, but we did have a visit from David Delday of Radio Orkney, seen here interviewing Jackie, he got quite excited when we told him she's been on Time Team and did a nice long piece with her:

He was also very impressed with our steatite cup from yesterday, we look forward to hearing his report in the next few days. It was a busy day for visitors all round, and after a brief opening shower sunny and warm most of the day. Down on the beach in Area D the team have hit the natural spring line and their section has started filling up with water, fresh water rather than salt for a change:

It was so warm that Julie even swapped her more usual warm snuggly hat for a Swandro baseball cap as she caught up on her recording:

Meanwhile a certain amount of teamwork and co-ordination was needed along with good technique to remove a large slab of stone from the edge of Structure 5:

Aided by heavy duty slings and scaffolding planks the slab was soon safely removed out to the shore:

It's our open day this Sunday 30th July, when we'll have our Living History re-enactors on site as well as our usual free site tours, so we're hoping the good weather continues until then. We only have another two weeks to go so if you're planning a visit don't leave it too late.