Keith gets star find today with this piece of worked bone handle, nicely smoothed but the holes drilled in it seem by contrast to be done a bit carelessly,:

It's our last week on site and we're busy everywhere getting the last bit of digging done prior to starting the heavy work of backfilling.

Michal is still grinning, taking yet more archaeomagnetic dating samples from our inexhaustible supply of hearths:

Jack was trying to get in on star find territory for these large chunks of pot, what they lacked in quality they made up for in quantity:

Meanwhile the whalebone door pivot in the corridor outside structure 5 was ready for lifting, a bit of a relief as we no longer have to worry about accidentally stepping on it:

And here's Caz trying for star find of the day with it, just pipped at the post by Keith's worked bone:

Weather forecast doesn't look great for tomorrow, the morning looks like heavy rain which isn't great either for last minute digging or for backfilling. Meant to dry up by lunchtime which would be good, we can't really afford to lose any more time to the weather this week.