Another glorious sunny day if a bit breezy, but today was a big day for two of our Swandro stars Rose and Bonnie, who had to leave early to get to their graduation – first class honours for both of them, and don’t they scrub up well!

Congratulations guys – but don’t go wearing those shoes on site now!
Getting back to the archaeology - here’s Alan and Lindsey in the Pictish smithy making great strides working on the floor levels – they’ve both taken holiday time from work to come an volunteer at Swandro:

It's good bye again this time to Alice seen here being the first to support the new Swandro logo on her hat, left after tea this afternoon. Alice took a busman’s holiday and a week of unpaid leave from her normal job in archaeology to return back to the Swandro family.

These new hats look really great don’t you think? They’re being made up for us by Kemps drapers in Kirkwall – they can stitch a logo on anything you want, so we’re getting hats & T-shirts, and I think possibly polo shirts done. All paid for out of our own pockets I hasten to add – we don’t spend any of your donations on fripperies!