Double dig diary today to make up for the non-appearance of yesterday's, and we start with a very nice star find of a fish tailed bone weaving comb from structure 6:

This was found by Jackie McKinley on her first day back on site, fresh from working on the Time Team's Sutton Hoo excavation, here it is in situ being carefully excavated:

Not to be outdone Alice got into the act with a decorated pot sherd from close by the weaving comb, and also fetchingly modelling one of the 2024 DigIt Scotland T-shirts we've been sent:

We also did a team photo including the sign they sent us which Alan has now appropriated for the planning hut, on the grounds that it wouldn't survive the weather if we put it on site:

Also vying for star find status was this trio of hammerstones all from the same small area, not quite in the same league as the weaving comb but a good set of multi tools to have around at the time, a bit like us having different size hammers for different jobs:

Yesterday's star find went to Keith for his antler mount (or at least would've if we'd had a dig diary yesterday):

Caz got in on the act with this shallow bowl, which we did wonder if it was a shallow crucible but Gerry zapped it with his portable XRF and there was no trace of any metal working:

However the real star find as far as the team was concerned was Alice's birthday bakes courtesy of her mum treating her and Alice deciding get cupcakes made to bring to site rather than eating a whole birthday cake herself:

Everyone was on a bit of a sugar rush after tea break they really were very good, thanks from everyone to Alice's mum!
Tomorrow doesn't look like it will be quite so exciting as we have to do a whole site photo clean, hopefully the weather will cooperate.