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Bone pins and sandbags

Jackie, on temporary loan to us from Wessex Archaeology, had several star finds of the day with a little cache of bone needles, worked antler and a possible spatula, all found close to her very fine whalebone weaving comb of a few days ago:

Here are more of them before excavation, with the tags showing were others have been lifted:

For a close up look at them in situ Lindsey has worked his usual magic and has a 3-D model of them on sketchfab along with other site models mentioned in previous posts.

It's been a bit of a mixed day weather-wise, started out sunny but breezy then the black clouds rolled in and we had on and off rain with a strengthening wind, meaning Rose and Alice had to find somewhere in shelter to huddle to enter details from the site notebooks into the Ipad - luckily we have many sandbags to hide behind.

And speaking of sandbags the sandbag crew of Jack, Caz, Logan and Billy made a massive effort today and filled another 260 and hauled them up the beach:

The wind did make it a bit of a challenge, sand gets everywhere at the best of times but we did it in the end. All 600 of the new yellow bags are filled and ready for backfilling next week, to go with the 1,500 we filled in 2022 which are also going back in, along with several tonnes of rock at the lower end of the site. Trying not to think about it too much.



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