After yesterday's little pot complete with lid, here we go ago with Alan's very large bead or pendant, not sure if it's steatite or possibly serpentine, it's certainly got quite a noticeable greenish tinge.

It's from the lower levels of the site where much of the later material has been stripped away by the sea, but we don't have any dating evidence yet from where it was found. It could be quite early, we might have a better idea when it's been cleaned up a bit and we can send photos to various specialists. Alan hates having his photo taken on site (although he doesn't mind when he has one of his many other hats on as a reenactor), which is why he doesn't look too impressed in this pic despite him having the best find of the day:

The prize for best jumper of the day - or in fact best jumper of the dig so far - definitely goes to Bonnie, who got this one in a charity shop for £2, just the thing to keep you warm when holding the EDM prism in the chilly weather we've been having of late. She is also sporting another classic Orkney look - a woolly hat with sunglasses at the ready:

Finally another team photo to mark Isabel and Marie's last day on site, we've got 2 days off now, which is why everyone's looking so happy:
