Busy day today finishing off last bits of digging and recording whilst cursing the intermittent torrential downpours interspersed with muggy midge weather. We had a visit from the Time Team for a news feature, John Gater, who some of us have known for a very long time and is no stranger to the archaeology of the Northern Isles, together with his producer and camera operator Emily, here interviewing Jackie McKinley who is still digging with us and who is also a Time Team regular:

They filmed lots of segments with Julie all over the site, our fine sandbag collection is no doubt going to feature in many of the shots:

It was a bit strange when Emily was filming the close up bits where one or the other of them would be filmed in close up just nodding agreement when no one was really being interviewed, think there's likely a technical term for it which I don't know, but it all seemed to go very smoothly.

At least the rain held off so the site was shown to its best advantage, the torrential downpours came later on.

We had a good selection of our star finds out for them to film, which regular readers will no doubt recognise but its nice to see them all together:

And finally here's the whalebone weaving comb cleaned up for its close up. The teeth have been partly polished and there's working marks on the handle, Julie thinks that it wasn't finished when one of the teeth broke during the polishing stage, so it was never used:

We started backfilling towards the end of the day and got the floor of structure 5 covered in sandbags, it's more of the same tomorrow and for the rest of the week, so barring any startling last minute discoveries there won't be much to report from now on.